Did you know the difference between Eco-Friendly, Organic, and Natural?
Eco-friendly, organic, sustainability, green, recycled and non-toxic—you have certainly come across these terms when reading about planet-friendly products, practices or brands. But do you know that they are not always interchangeable? The term "natural" usually applies to those products that are proposed as alternatives to "traditional" ones. Unfortunately, there is still no Community regulation for the use of the term "natural" as a characteristic of consumer products. However, it is possible to consider as natural those products that have natural active ingredients in their composition. The term "organic", on the other hand, is used to indicate agri-food products derived from crops and farms that do not involve the use of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms. All organic products must be strictly controlled and certified by bodies authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture. The term "eco-friendly" describes a product...