jipmer to sharpen surgical skills with 3d printer | puducherry news - times of india

Puduchari: Surgeon at the Institute of graduate education and research in medicine, Jawaharal (Jipmer)
Complex surgery will soon be performed using 3D printing technology and 3D models with a higher success rate.
Jipmer director s c. Parija dedicated the 3D printer to the facility on Monday after the technicians were trained to process the printer.
3D printers around the world have revolutionized healthcare, especially surgical procedures, but have surgeons print out models of prosthetics and organs that they can do before complex operations on patientsHigh-
The work of printing the body parts is also over.
While in this part of the world it may take some time to get organs or even tissues for a transplant, the Jipmer facility is expected to help surgeons improve their skills and tailor themmade surgeries.
So far, surgeons here have been using 3D models on computer screens to study complex cases.
Now the printed model will make the operation safer and more accurate.
Dr. Dinesh Kumar, head of plastic surgery, said: \"This facility will definitely help us to improve the success rate in complex operations . \".
He gave an example of road accident victims who could now benefit from the facility.
\"A patient with a head injury was taken to hospital.
A team of doctors removed part of the skull by surgery, enabling the brain to expand and reduce the pressure inside the skull.
The patient recovered in a few months.
Now, we have to fill the removed part of the skull with an implant made of polypropylene (PMMA),” he said.
The surgeon will soon design a 3D model of the bone implant and the skull part where the implant must be fixed.
They will study in detail and plan strategies for the operation.
\"We will also use these models for surgical simulations before surgery,\" Dr. Kumar said . \".
Plastic surgery performed 300 to 400 operations per month.
These operations are mainly intended to correct the deformity of the patient after injury in the accident, as well as to correct congenital defects such as cleft lip and hard fissure.
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